Under no circumstances should any small child -- or anyone else try to go under a garage door when it is in motion.

Under no circumstances should any child or anyone else try to go under a garage door while it’s in motion.

Maintaining your garage door is essential not only from mechanical perspective but also a safety perspective.

Let’s be clear: it doesn’t matter what the garage door is made of… garage doors are heavy, and they can inflict a lot of damage.  The force of the door coming down on your car while you’re going in or out could cause major damage to your car. Imagine what it can do a living, breathing person.  The weight of the door could easily crush a child and kill them.

A report published in 2013 by Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that there are an estimated 30,000 injuries caused by garage door accidents. The force of a garage door coming down on a small child can crush them, causing massive bodily injury and in some cases, can lead to death.

Here are five ways to keep you, your loved ones, and those who come in contact with your garage door safe:

  1. Make sure that your garage door goes all the way down. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to have a technician troubleshoot the problem.
  2. Make sure that you lubricate the chain or gear drive on a regular basis. Preventative maintenance can prolong the life of your chain or gear drive.
  3. Make sure you keep the door clear at all times of any objects. At no time should you try and block the sensor for your own amusement.
  4. Make it a point to do a monthly routine inspection.  If you don’t know what to look for, then schedule a visit by a certified technician to show you what to look for.
  5. Make sure your remote is out of the reach of small children. Teach them that the remote isn’t a toy and it’s only for grown-up use.

Practicing these five tips on a regular basis will go a long way in keeping everyone safe, secure, and accident free.